Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is your organization just for teachers and educators?

A: No, PASR is an Association for ALL Pennsylvania retired school employees. Our membership is comprised of teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, secretaries, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff — in short, anyone who is now receiving a pension from the Public School Employees Retirement System. Not a PSERS annuitant?  No problem. You can still join PASR as an associate member.

Q: May only retired school employees join this organization?

A: No, any active school employee is also encouraged to join our Association so that cooperation and sharing of information between active and retired school employees enhances and benefits both groups.

Q: Can you help me with questions or procedures concerning my monthly pension and benefits?

A: The Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) is the state organization that issues retirement pension checks. For questions, visit PSERS online or call 1-888-773-7748.

Q: What is the cost to become a member of PASR?

A: The annual cost of membership is $60, or you may purchase a lifetime membership for $700, which can be paid in two installments of $350 if you wish.

Q: I am a member, but can my spouse be a member too?

A: Spouses are welcome to join PASR as associate members for the same cost as listed above.

Q: Are PASR dues tax deductible?

A: PASR is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) [not a charitable 501(c)(3)]; therefore, dues paid are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Q: Is this organization part of the Pennsylvania Department of Education?

A: No. PASR is a nongovernmental association, comprised of volunteers working in support of all Pennsylvania retired school employees.

Q: I belong to a local chapter of PASR. Why should I also belong to the state association?

A: While at the local chapter level, you receive a personal approach to PASR, when joining the state association you benefit in a much broader sense – from the sharing of information via our quarterly newsletters—to money-saving endorsed services and benefits. In addition, your membership gives our association “strength in numbers” when we fight for important issues with the legislature that affect our members.

Q: I am a retired Pennsylvania college/university instructor or administrator. Can I join PASR?

A: Yes, you may join PASR and take full advantage of the same benefits offered to our public school retirees.

Q: Are there any discounts or special incentives for becoming a PASR member?

A: PASR offers members the opportunity to save on a number of products and services through its endorsed services program — just another way that your membership in PASR works on your behalf. Additional information is available in the member benefits section of our web site.

Q: How do I make sense of the “alphabet soup” of acronyms such as PASR, PSERS, PSEA, etc.?

A: Many of the most common organizational acronyms are defined on the this page of our website.