Upcoming Events

Franklin Chapter: Meeting

Location: Keystone Country kitchen Waynesboro Contact: Janet Zeger, jdzeger1@gmail.com

Mercer Chapter: Game Day

Location: Joe's Cafe, Greenville Contact: Sandra Shuttleworth, shuttleworthsndra1@gmail.com or Ruth Leone, ruthleone6@gmail.com

Mifflin Chapter: Luncheon

Location: Birch Hill Event Center, Burnham, PA Contact: Jacob Wagner, jacobew@verizon.net

Alle-Kiski Chapter: Spring Luncheon

Location: St Mary’s Hall, Freeport, Pa Contact: Donald L. Orlowski, orlowski5201@gmail.com Program:  Polly Shaw - History of the Pa Turnpike

Lehigh Chapter: Hydromania

Volunteer Opportunity Location: Cedar Crest College Contact person- Carol Rieder - crjingabug@gmail.com or 610-791-9686