Mifflin Chapter: Luncheon
Location: Birch Hill Event Center, Burnham, PA Contact: Jacob Wagner, jacobew@verizon.net
Adams Chapter: Adams County Tech Institute
Speaker: Chef Schaffner
RECREO: Crawford Chapter: “Daniel” Sight and Sound Theatre Lancaster, Pa
Contact: Barbara Stockton, bjsbarb@zoominternet.net
Philadelphia Chapter: Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Tiffany's
RECREO: Lancaster Chapter: Canada & New England Cruise
Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ Contact: Carol Tangert, cettours@comcast.net
Lehigh Chapter: Allentown Ecumenical Food Bank
Volunteer Opportunity Contact person- Daisy Pearson- epearson@ptd.net or 610-285-0144
Alle-Kiski Chapter: Fall Luncheon
Location: Zion Methodist Church, Sarver, Pa Program: Mary Bach - Consumer Advocacy Contact: Donald L. Orlowski, orlowski5201@gmail.com
Erie Chapter: Lunch & Meeting
Location: Zem Zem Shrine Club, 2525 W 38th Street, Erie, PA, 16506 Contact: Connie Walker, dawalker1@roadrunner.com
PASR Benefits Presentation
via zoom, you must register to attend. Registration link will be emailed and also placed on www.pasr.org
Mercer Chapter: Book Club
Location: Greenville Public Library Contact: Sandra Shuttleworth, shuttleworthsndra1@gmail.com or Ruth Leone, ruthleone6@gmail.com
Susquehanna Chapter: General Membership Meeting
Contact: John Manchester, jdmanchester51@gmail.com
RECREO: York Chapter: Collette: Memorials of WWII, 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landing
Contact: Joy Shoffner, ycpasrjoy@gmail.com
RECREO: Lebanon Chapter: Long Island, New York
Contact: D. Lorraine Royer, ronlorroy@verizon.net
RECREO: Lehigh Chapter: “Beautiful – the Carole King Musical” Fulton Theatre
Contact: Joanne Richards, jertrips@icloud.com
Mercer Chapter: Fall Luncheon
Hosted by: Lakeview Retirees Contact: Sandra Shuttleworth, shuttleworthsndra1@gmail.com or Ruth Leone, ruthleone6@gmail.com
Perry Chapter Meeting
Contact: Ronald Hummel, rlhummel925@yahoo.com