Lebanon Chapter: General Membership Meeting
Location: Lebanon County Technology Center Dining Room Contact: Shirley Folmer, folmer.shirley@gmail.com
RECREO: York Chapter: Sight & Sound – Daniel with Bird-in-Hand
Contact: Joy Shoffner, ycpasrjoy@gmail.com
Greene Chapter: Greene County Career Day
Location: Carmichaels Firehall Contact: Barbara Ruschak, barb480@gmail.com
Bucks Montgomery Chapter: Executive Committee Meeting
Location: Bucks County IU
Juniata Chapter: Spring Luncheon and meeting
Location: Bread of Life Restaurant Contact: Sam and Linda Leister, sleister@gmail.com or lindaleister22@gmail.com
RECREO: Carbon Chapter: Bach and Handel Choir
Location: Jim Thorpe Contact: Cindy Sabol, zubartch@ptd.net
Mercer Chapter: Board Meeting
Location: Covenant Church Spring Newsletter articles due.
RECREO: Lehigh Chapter: Florida Gulf Coast Getaway
Contact: Joanne Richards, jertrips@icloud.com
Delaware Chapter: Business Meeting
Location: Aston Library, Aston PA Contact: Dr. Janice HoffmanWillis, drjhoffmanwillis@gmail.com
Philadelphia Chapter: Board and Region 11 Meeting
Location – Tiffany’s on the Boulevard, 9001 Roosevelt Boulevard
Mercer Chapter: Game Day
Location: Joe's Cafe, Greenville Contact: Sandra Shuttleworth, shuttleworthsndra1@gmail.com or Ruth Leone, ruthleone6@gmail.com
Mifflin Chapter: Luncheon
Location: Birch Hill Event Center, Burnham, PA Contact: Jacob Wagner, jacobew@verizon.net
PASR Benefits Presentation
via zoom, you must register to attend. Registration link will be emailed and also placed on www.pasr.org
RECREO: Gettysburg, Civilian Life During and After the Battle (Lebanon Chapter)
Contact: D. Lorraine Royer, ronlorroy@verizon.net